Tag Archives: Wine

Show Me the World: Jowler Creek

Alexa took me to Jowler Creek Vineyard for a wine tasting and tour for my birthday.

Show Me Jowler Creek Vineyard

It’s a pretty sweet deal. A small family run vineyard that is Missouri’s first (or only, I forget) green vineyard. It was really cool to hear about their story and their set-up. They use solar power to power their electric fence, which keeps animals like deer away, and they have this miniature sheep that graze on the grass so they do not have to mow the grass. They also bought chickens to eat the bugs that were getting into the vines.

Vineyard Rows_

This six-acre vineyard grows three different types of grapes. And for the first three years of a new vines life, they don’t allow them to grow grapes, they are just making sure they grow in the correct shape and size.


They have “harvest parties” where people can come and help pick the grapes. No one is paid, but in exchange you get to have some free wine and they prepare some delicious food for the workers. That could be kind of cool to say you did! They also host many other events, like the “Sippin’ Smokin’ and Singin’ Nights” or “Women Who Wine” club, which all look interesting.


They have won a bunch of awards, and these are some of their medals on show. Pretty cool. Our favorites were the Norton and the Red Cock-a-Doodle-Do. The Norton was an amazing red wine, we bought some and I can’t wait to grill some steaks and enjoy it. And the Red Cock-a-Doodle-Do is a very unique wine. Like nothing we have ever tasted. So we also have some of that to share with my father-in-law who is a big wine guy and I am interested to see what he thinks.

All in all a very fun outing

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Filed under Photography, Show Me the World

Wine and a Camera Phone

Bartender please

Fill my glass for me

With the wine you gave Jesus

That set him free after three days in the ground

~Dave Matthews Band, Bartender

Recently I was at my fiancee’s parent’s house. I was bored during the half time of the football game, and as my fiancee was busy discussing everything wedding with an old friend, I decided to try out my camera phone. I found these wine bottles in their kitchen. I don’t know much about the wine, but I enjoyed taking the photos. And the different bottles, labels and corks all have a certain photogenic ability to them.

I do know Arnold Palmer was a golfer.

Now, this collection of corks took years to accumulate, don’t go thinking my fiancee’s parents are alcoholics!:)

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