Tag Archives: Snow

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Or so the saying goes. But what do April snows bring? That’s what happened to us! We had snow in April, which pretty much destroyed all the tulips at uni. Stupid Kansas weather.

Rockhurst Roses (1 of 3) Rockhurst Roses (2 of 3)

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Filed under Flowers, Kansas City, Photography

Tree on Fire

Early this morning I had to help my wife with the car and the snow, so I was up and saw the early morning sun hitting part of this tree. Thanks to my camera phone I was able to get this shot.

Tree on Fire

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Filed under Photography

Snow Comes

Too late for a white Christmas, but just in time for a white New Years! Here are a few snow pictures.

Yes, I am.

Yes, I am.

Barkley loves the snow.

Barkley loves the snow.

Snowy Trees

Snowy Trees



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Filed under Photography

More Snow Shots

Here are a few more pictures I took in the snow the other day. Just got around to posting them. The car picture is a great example of how annoying snow is. You are running late to work or class and you rush outside, only to discover you need another five minutes to dig the car out from under the snow.

One of our porch chairs buried under snow.

Some plants covered with snow. A little bit hard to see though.

Our AC unit…guess we wont be using it for a while.


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Filed under Black and White, Nature, Photography

Black and White Snowy Stairs

Black and White Weekly Challenge: Week 8

Snowy Stairs


Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

Man Made Patterns

Week 7: Man Made Patterns

Yeah, there is a little snow on it. Can you guess what it is?

That’s right, it’s our metal mesh patio coffee table thing.

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Filed under Photography, Weekly Photo Assignment