Tag Archives: Show Me the World

Show Me The World: Autumn Walks

Show me the world fall walk

Walking around these Missouri Streets, the leaves changing colors, hot chocolate, enjoying the last of the cool days before we go to hibernate for the winter.
Show me the world fall walk-2

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Filed under Photography, Show Me the World

Show Me The World: Royals Game

Royals GameAt a Royals game this summer. We heard they were having a “good” year. Well, apparently “good” is a relative term in KC, since they were losing 10-1 by the bottom of the 3rd. But it was $1 night and I did learn that 5 is the point at which dollar dogs begin to taste worst than the cost. Good to know I guess.


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Filed under Show Me the World

Show Me The World: Union Station


This weekend some friends of ours came into town to visit so my wife and I took them to fabulous Union Station. I do enjoy the architecture of these old buildings.

Show Me The World Union Station

I wonder, though, why are these buildings called Union Station, because there are Union Stations all over, specifically I know of Chicago, L.A. and Denver. Were they built by the Union Pacific railway company? Or is it “union” as in central area of some sort?

Show Me The World Union Station-2Oh yeah, there was also a pretty cool pirate exhibit. It was worth the cost of admission, however, they falsely reported the independence day of Ghana as 1958 on one of their displays. It’s 1957! I’ll be writing an angry letter.

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Filed under Kansas City, Photography, Show Me the World

Show Me The World: Autumn Leaves

An Orange tree

Fall time. Trees are starting to change colors…at least this one is. The rest apparently did not get the memo.


Filed under Photography, Show Me the World

Show Me The World: Homecoming Football Game

Show Me Homecoming_

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October 6, 2013 · 9:49 AM

Show Me the World: Applejack Festival



Taken at Applejack 2013. A celebration of…apples I guess in Nebraska City. It draws a huge crowd, around 20,000, from Lincoln and Omaha and other small towns that no one has ever heard of. The parade was fun enough. Long. Too many marching bands and Shriners. Other than that good. We even got in it!:)

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Filed under Photography, Show Me the World

Show Me the World: Downtown Lee’s Summit at Night

My wife and I attended a couple’s wedding last night in downtown Lee’s Summit. Got her all dressed up and ready to celebrate! It was an awesome wedding!

Adam and Meaghan's Wedding

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Filed under Photography, Show Me the World

Show Me the World: Wedding

On our way to get married on Old Orchard Beach.


Thanks to Amanda Joy Photography for the picture!

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Show Me the World: Wedding and Honeymoon

On July 4th of this year we celebrated our wedding in Old Orchard Beach in Maine. We have already been married, but this was the big celebration. Also in July we went to the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis for our honeymoon. It was amazing! I hope we can go back next year!

Show Me The World-5Above: Getting on the plane. Below: Independence Square St. Kitts.

Show Me The World-2-2

Show Me The World-3Above: Walking to the beach. Below: Church in Basseterre.Show Me The World-4

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Filed under Photography, Show Me the World

Show Me the World: Perry Lake

This Memorial Day weekend my wife and I went camping at Perry Lake. It was a lot of fun. We walked down to the lake, although we didn’t swim in it, we just watched our dog run around. He may be the only dog that doesn’t like water. We didn’t swim, because my wife is afraid of some sort of amoeba that lives in the lake, goes into your brain and eats its way out. Or something like that. And I’m scared of water snakes. There were a few people in there though. And even more boats. That would have been fun to have a jet ski.

Perry Lake

It was supposed to rain this weekend. So we weren’t even sure if we were going to go. But we risked it, and luckily the rain held off while we were camping. But it sure made up for it today! We just relaxed at our camp sire and read some books and played Uno, with Bacardi Anjeo! One of my favorite rums, that I haven’t been able to find since leaving Mexico back in 2009! So that was a very pleasant and welcome surprise. We didn’t bring any wood with us, so we started to just walk around to collect some sticks (yes, we are great campers) and two people from other camp sites offered us wood. Well at first we turned them down, but one man was insistent, so we took him up on it. Lucky that we did, the sticks we collected, while a good amount, weren’t brunt up so quickly that we wouldn’t have been able to cook our hot dogs or marshmallows without the extra wood. Camp food is always delicious, and then after another walk we headed to bed. Unfortunately the tent Alexa owns, while adequate for her, is too small for me, so my head was bumping the door, and my feet were pushing against the tent material on the other end. Oh well. The sleeping bags we got as wedding presents were very nice. All in all a good trip!


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Filed under Photography, Show Me the World