Tag Archives: Self Portrait

Black and White Self Portrait

Black and White Weekly Challenge: Week 7

“New Beginnings” Self Portrait

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Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

Fresh Start

It’s decided. I’m going to try and follow the Weekly Photo Assignments from DPS, in addition to doing my own 52 week black and white challenge this year. Hopefully this year I will be better about spending time and doing them. I’m already a week behind, as I’m only posting the first week now. Oh well.

Week 1: Fresh Start

I feel this is going to be a good year for me. I have grad school starting in a week. I’m feeling settled back in America after living the past four years in Mexico and Korea. Things are going good with my girlfriend. And I’m healthy and playing soccer again. I have big things planned for this year. So here is my “fresh start” photo entry. Getting ready for twenty twelve!

The picture below is just a fun collage I quickly put together. Enjoy.


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Filed under Photography, Self Portrait, Weekly Photo Assignment