Tag Archives: Kansas City

9th and Van Brunt Athletic Complex

9th and Van Brunt Athletic Complex

Kansas City, Missouri

United States of America

9th and VanBrunt

Back for another game. This time during the day.

9th and Van Brunt

9th and Van Brunt-2

One of the training fields with a train passing by.

9th and Van Brunt-3

9th and Van Brunt-4

Night falls and the lights come on.


Filed under Photography, World Fields

Show Me The World: Union Station


This weekend some friends of ours came into town to visit so my wife and I took them to fabulous Union Station. I do enjoy the architecture of these old buildings.

Show Me The World Union Station

I wonder, though, why are these buildings called Union Station, because there are Union Stations all over, specifically I know of Chicago, L.A. and Denver. Were they built by the Union Pacific railway company? Or is it “union” as in central area of some sort?

Show Me The World Union Station-2Oh yeah, there was also a pretty cool pirate exhibit. It was worth the cost of admission, however, they falsely reported the independence day of Ghana as 1958 on one of their displays. It’s 1957! I’ll be writing an angry letter.

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Filed under Kansas City, Photography, Show Me the World

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Or so the saying goes. But what do April snows bring? That’s what happened to us! We had snow in April, which pretty much destroyed all the tulips at uni. Stupid Kansas weather.

Rockhurst Roses (1 of 3) Rockhurst Roses (2 of 3)

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Filed under Flowers, Kansas City, Photography

Show Me the World: Sporting Park

I got this idea (for the pose) from some random series of photos I had seen on the internet. In that series the photographer and his model do this similar post all around the world. And so I thought to myself, my wife and I travel all around, maybe I could do something like this. So here is the first picture.

Show Me the World: Sporting KC

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Filed under Photography, Show Me the World, Travel Photography

Kansas City Cityscape

My first attempt at a cityscape shot of Kansas City. I hope to do more. Maybe when there is a storm in the background, maybe one at night, and probably one zoomed in a bit more. But this was my first attempt, and I’m happy enough with it. You can see the top of Union Station and the old Western Auto building (that’s my favorite one).


Filed under Photography