Tag Archives: Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Or so the saying goes. But what do April snows bring? That’s what happened to us! We had snow in April, which pretty much destroyed all the tulips at uni. Stupid Kansas weather.

Rockhurst Roses (1 of 3) Rockhurst Roses (2 of 3)

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Filed under Flowers, Kansas City, Photography

Two Months

For our two month anniversary my wife bought two white roses. I just like to photograph them. Tried to make an HDR photo, still need to work on those skills, as they look a bit blurry. Hmm.



Filed under Flowers, HDR, Photography

HDR Tulips

My first attempts at HDR. Perhaps tulips were not the greatest subject, but oh well. It was fun, I shall be trying some other subjects soon.



Filed under Flowers, HDR, Photography

Dead Roses in Color

Last time I posted pictures of these flowers in black and white. Today are the rest of the pictures, this time in color. It’s prolly time to throw these out and buy Alexa some new ones.


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Filed under Flowers, Photography

Black and White Dead Rose

Black and White Weekly Challenge: Week 3

Dead Rose

The above is my official entry for this week’s Black and White photo challenge. Below are some other pictures I took of the same dead roses.

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Filed under Flowers, Photography

Roses and Shadows

I took these two photos of Alexa’s roses. I bought them for her last week before I proposed to her. I was hoping by doing more random nice things, she wouldn’t be expecting to much when I took her out to propose to her, and it worked:) Caught her off guard. But more on that later.

Top: I tried to bring out the colors a bit. Bottom: Tried to focus on the shadow a bit more.

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Filed under Flowers, Photography


It’s got to the point where I think I buy flowers more so that I can photograph them, than just “for my girlfriend.” But I don’t think she is complaining. I picked up these red carnations (I think they are carnations) at the local grocery store for $5, “for Alexa,” and then I get to have fun photographing them. So tonight I got my tripod out, used our laundry room door as a background and snapped some pictures. Here are three of my favorites.

Did a little work on them in Photoshop Elements. I enjoy using the vignette feature, which lightens or darkens the corners.

The same red carnations, but in black and white. Had to do at least one in black and white. I really like the contrast between the light and shadows. Pleased with that. But my favorite of the bunch is the one below.


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Filed under Flowers, Photography