Tag Archives: Engagement

Black and White Ring


Black and White Weekly Challenge

Week 5: Ring.

Alexa and I and her engagement ring. I got this idea from one of the wedding conventions we’ve attended, but it was really hard to do with our tripod. Now that I’ve seen this, I have new ideas for a similar, hopefully better pose for this shot.


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Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

The Engagement

Last weekend I got engaged!!! Finally asked my girlfriend, Alexa, to marry me, and she said, “yes!” So now we are engaged!:) I’m so happy. I would describe how it happened, but Alexa already did on her Facebook wall, so I’ll just copy and paste that:)

I had the most amazing day yesterday, I wish it didn’t have to end. I started off the day with a massage, and then went to dinner (lunch) and a movie with Chris. Chris said that after the movie we would be taking it easy until dinner, so I took Barkley to the dog park for a while. When I got home Chris had hung some pictures in the stair well and asked me to look at them. I went to look at them and saw pictures of roses and a ring and the words “Will” and “You,” and I knew that he was proposing. I turned to Chris and he got down on a knee, pulled out a ring, and asked me to marry him. Of course I said “Yes!” We hugged and kissed, and then I told him to “give me the ring!” LOL! Later, on our way to dinner, Chris said we had to pick someone up on our way. I couldn’t imagine who was joining us for our engagement dinner. We pulled up to a house and his mom came out! It was such a nice surprise! She flew all the way out from Canada to be with us. When we got to the restaurant we were seated at a table for 6, but there were only 3 of us, so I knew more people were coming. Chris told me his dad and sister were on their way. So, we waited for a while. Then my parents walked into the room! I couldn’t believe it! Chris worked so hard to plan such a special day for me, and he succeeded. The day was full of wonderful surprises and perfect in every way. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Thank you Chris for making me the happiest woman in the world. I’m so glad that Mrs. Casali and my parents could be a part of it. I’m truly blessed : )

So yeah, that’s how it went down. Now here are some pictures from our night.

WIth my mom and her parents at dinner

The pictures I hung on the wall

Four of them have the words, "Will You Marry Me?"

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