Tag Archives: Christmas Lights

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from Barkley, Wife and I!

barks Christmas Shoot Stamped-3

Be safe everyone!HeartsChristmas Shoot Stamped-2

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Filed under Barkley, Photography

Christmas Lights

One of my favorite Christmas decorations are the lights. A couple years, back when I was single, and didn’t give too much of a fuss about trees and stuff, I would just hang strands of lights all around my apartment. Around the window. Around the desks. Around the bookshelves. Etc.Then it’s fun to just have the apartment lit by the Christmas lights and watch Christmas movies.

This year for our tree we bought 300 lights. White lights, since Alexa only likes white lights. But we have never had such a big tree, and they only covered the bottom two-thirds. Maybe I could have spread them out more, but that’s not fun. So we returned to the store to buy more, only to find out that they didn’t have any more, and weren’t expecting more this year. So then I had to drive around town to other store locations to find a third set of these lights. Today I found and bought them, but then discovered that we still need MORE! Haha, the top bit has no lights, but I give up now:) That’ll be for next year.

I couldn’t resist to buy these colored lights as well, so I will probably put them up somewhere in my room.

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