Tag Archives: Bokeh

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from Barkley, Wife and I!

barks Christmas Shoot Stamped-3

Be safe everyone!HeartsChristmas Shoot Stamped-2

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Filed under Barkley, Photography

Christmas Bokeh

Three more days till Christmas!!! One thing that is really annoying around Christmas time is when people (my girlfriend) buy me presents, tell me that they did, and that what they bought me is amazing, but then wont tell me what it is. I’m not patient, and I hate waiting. Errr. So here are some Christmas bokeh photos to get me back in the spirit.

Bokeh: referring to the out of focus background in a photo.

The Christmas Tee.

I picked this up in Australia in 2006. Since Christmas comes during the Summer there, they have a totally different representation of Santa and how he does things. And because I love warm weather, I love this little Christmas decoration!

Every year I buy my girlfriend a different ornament. This dog was from last year (2010), because she was missing her dog (she was with me in Korea and the dog was in Nebraska).

And this year (2011) I got her these red high heels.

Merry Christmas!

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Filed under Christmas, Holidays, Photography