Category Archives: Weekly challenge

The Date Night Jar:

I recently had a good idea. I know, it doesn’t happen often, and it’s not really an original idea. So really the only brilliance comes in implementing this idea. It’s the “Date Night Jar!” Tonight Alexa and I each wrote down a bunch of ideas we would like to do for our date nights. Then each Sunday we will draw one for the week. Date night is Friday night, but some of them may require some planning, so that’s why we will pick them earlier in the week. Also, some may be seasonal, so if we get one of those, we’ll just have to re-pick. I do not know what she wrote down, and she doesn’t know what I wrote. So there is still a nice element of surprise.

This week we are going ice skating! Turns out we had both written that down!:) I can’t wait!

The Jar

I’m also going to use this as my “52 week project.” So each date night I’ll get a picture and post it online. Hopefully that will also get me to focus on taking more pictures, which I have not done since I’ve been so busy.


Filed under Date Night Jar, Photography, Weekly challenge

Black and White Johnny’s

Black and White Weekly Challenge

Week 15: Johnny’s

I know, I know, once again I’m failing to post for every week:0 Oh well. Found this little old dinner in Nebraska City. But I didn’t eat there, next time I’ll have to try it.

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Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

Black and White Spring Tree

Black and White Weekly Challenge

Week 11: Spring Tree

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Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

Black and White Animal

Black and White Weekly Challenge

Week 10: Zebra

Is this cheating? Since the Zebra is already black and white…

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Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

Black and White Ring


Black and White Weekly Challenge

Week 5: Ring.

Alexa and I and her engagement ring. I got this idea from one of the wedding conventions we’ve attended, but it was really hard to do with our tripod. Now that I’ve seen this, I have new ideas for a similar, hopefully better pose for this shot.


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Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

Black and White Notes

Black and White Weekly Challenge: Week 9

Black and White Notes

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Filed under Black and White, Weekly challenge

Black and White Minimalist

Black and White Weekly Challenge: Week 6


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Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

Black and White Snowy Stairs

Black and White Weekly Challenge: Week 8

Snowy Stairs


Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

Black and White Self Portrait

Black and White Weekly Challenge: Week 7

“New Beginnings” Self Portrait

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Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge

Black and White Stairs and Slides

Black and White Weekly Challenge: Week 4

Stairs and Slides

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Filed under Black and White, Photography, Weekly challenge