Category Archives: Photography

World Fields: Waterfall Park, Merriam KS


Waterfall Park, Merriam Kansas

Water Fall Park

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Filed under Photography, Soccer, World Fields

Show Me The World: Autumn Leaves

An Orange tree

Fall time. Trees are starting to change colors…at least this one is. The rest apparently did not get the memo.


Filed under Photography, Show Me the World

Barkley 10/7

barkley helping mom study-3

Helping his mommy study.

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Filed under Barkley, Photography

Barkley 10/6

barkley 10-6

This is how he begs. he comes up to the ottoman and puts his face like this, trying to look all cute so that we will let him up on the couch with us…usually works.


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Filed under Barkley, Photography

Show Me The World: Homecoming Football Game

Show Me Homecoming_

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October 6, 2013 · 9:49 AM

Barkley 10/5

Look at how sad and miserable this pup looks because I told him to wait for his treat. Spoiled.

Barkley 10-5

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Filed under Barkley, Photography

Barkley 10/4



Barkley with both of his favorite toys. They’re both favorites…so blue toy is gone, that’s okay cuz duck’s favorite too…

Barkley 10-4

Why do dogs sleep so much? All he does is lay around…until right before bed time. Then he gets hyper active and just wants to run and play.

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Filed under Barkley, Photography

Barkley 9/30

Barkley 9-30


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Filed under Barkley, Photography

Barkley 9/29

Barkley 8-29-2

Barks and his brother Ty at grandpa’s house. They lay here and watch anytime grandpa or grandma go into the kitchen, cuz they think they will get treats.

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Filed under Barkley, Photography

Show Me the World: Applejack Festival



Taken at Applejack 2013. A celebration of…apples I guess in Nebraska City. It draws a huge crowd, around 20,000, from Lincoln and Omaha and other small towns that no one has ever heard of. The parade was fun enough. Long. Too many marching bands and Shriners. Other than that good. We even got in it!:)

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Filed under Photography, Show Me the World