Paul’s Wedding

My roommate from college got married in July of 2008. He asked me to be a groomsman and I accepted. After a lovely outdoor ceremony it was picture time. The photographer arranged us how he wanted and for half an hour or so we were at his mercy. All was going well until the photographer had the idea to have a bridesmaid sit on each of a kneeling groomsman’s leg. This was awkward because I ended up having to kneel on my right knee, which I had seriously twisted during a soccer game a few months before and was still two months away from being healed.

Kneeling down was really painful, to the point where the thought of objecting to the pose crossed my mind. Luckily I knew well enough not to upset the bride on her day so I kept my mouth shut. My knee was throbbing but since the bridesmaid was going to sit on my left leg I thought I would be okay. I was wrong.

The bridesmaid who sat on my knee was a beautiful young woman, but today I was not going to help her confidence a bit! As soon as she sat on my left leg unbearable pain shot through my right knee and I let out an audible oouf!!” It was not because of her weight, she was like I said before, beautiful and skinny, but my knee was just so bad. I do not know if she heard me or not. But I don’t know her name, and so I never apologized to her!

I’m an awful person I know.

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