Tracy’s Window

April 19th, 2009, while teaching in Mexico I found myself involved in an intense pick up soccer game during lunch recess. Running around I quickly became aware of my apparel, especially my dress socks and loafers which were not nearly snug enough for optimal play. Along with my grey slacks and long sleeve, which were very quickly rolled up, I knew I would have to be careful.

Our school lacked the green grassy fields and open spaces that many others have. As a result this particular game took place on the “patio,” Which was located in the back corner surrounded on one side by our 1st grade classrooms. The goal had been put well to the right of the door, and against the wall, so as not to disturb los estudiantes.

It was not long before I received a pass, turned, and found myself on the right side. I had a clear shot. Before common sense could be found I let rip with my shot. I have no idea where the ball went, but there are ten 1st graders who will never forget where my loafer went. As soon as I kicked the ball I knew my loafer was coming off. My first thought was that it would hit one of the players. Nope. It flew a good fifteen, or twenty yards and shattered a window pane on the 1st graders’ door.

I have never seen 1st graders so scared, and yet so amazed, of me, as when I went to pull my shoe out of the window, where it had become lodged. Luckily, the teacher was not too upset with having her class disrupted, and after some pictures, and many apologies to the kids I became a spectator for the rest of the game.

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